I can’t believe I have been in business for 3 years this July!!! 🙂
It’s been a fun and tireless journey filled with a lot of education, research and learning, tons of amazing portrait sessions and of course meeting some wonderful people. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank anyone who has ever liked a photo on Facebook, “Pinned” an image, read a blog article or admired a photo. And of course, I owe a huge amount of gratitude to those of you who believed in me and chose me to photograph your family!!
I feel like over the last 3 years so much has changed about how I run my business and all for the better. So, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on some major things I have learned.
1-Photography is an ongoing, learning process.
I’m ok practicing! Practice makes perfect.
2-A professional, high-end camera does not a photographer make.
Ask to see any number of my bad photos during a session. The camera does not take good pictures, it’s definitely the person behind the camera. And, I do feel you must know how to shoot manual.
3-Running a photography business is so much more than loving to take pictures. It’s probably 25% taking great pictures and 75% running the business.
The business side consists of: becoming legal within your state, paying taxes, marketing, education, maintaining a web host, website, blog, ordering product, prop shopping (dreaded…haha!!), managing expenses and so much more. I am fortunate to have a business degree and background that lends itself nicely for these skills.
4-Custom photography, and the service I offer to my clients, IS worth the price tag.
My customers gasp, glow, tear up and rave over the final product. You can’t understand how happy that makes me!! It might be an expense you have to save for or think through; but in the end, it’s so worth it!!! Just ask any of my former customers. 😉
Take a look at my work through the years. You can see it’s a learning process and I try to pick up the camera a few times week if not every day.
year 1
year 2
year 3
Through all of the growing pains I can say with certainty that I love this business and industry and hope to photograph hundreds if not thousands of families along the way.
Again, a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey. I would love to offer a special for my 3 year anniversary but my time is limited, my calendar is pretty booked (thankfully :)) and baby #3 is taxing my energy. But I would like to reward any of you who are willing to share my name with your friends. Send five friends over to like my facebook fan page and I will give you $20 off your next session fee!!
Such a great way to thank your clients/fans! Happy 3 Years to you!